Hello BB,
March minutes are attached. I just got married, so you'll forgive me for my extreme lateness, right? I printed a few copies.
Also, I promised at the last meeting to send the BB instructions to see bike rack locations on the WVU beta map. Here's the link: http://beta.campusmap.wvu.edu/
Here's the instructions:
1) Click the link and look for the buildings listed in blue on the lefthand side of the map.
2) Click 'Student Recreation Center'
3) An 'A' and 'B' show up on the lefthand side. Underneath 'A-Student Recreation Center' click 'What's near here?'
3) Look over at the map. Bike racks are denoted on the map with a gray box that has a P and a little bike person on it.
4) Not too many clicks, but how would you really know to do that?
See you in a bit,
Traci Liebig
Conservation Specialist
Facilities Management
West Virginia University
P.O. Box 6570
Morgantown, WV  26506
Think before you print. Thanks!