
Excellent work.  For Marked Shared Lanes, MUTCD section 9C.07 Shared Lane Markings offers option of using R4-11 Bicycles May Use Full Lane signs in addition to or instead of Shared Lane Markings.  I would recommend showing the BMUFL sign on your "Marked Shared Lanes" graphic.  

FYI, when the BB originally proposed SLMs to WVDOH in 2008, they told us about the BMUFL signs and recommended that we use them in conjunction with SLMs.  Some of those WVDOH employees have since retired but we still have the documentation of those meetings.


On Nov 8, 2013, at 9:39 AM, Jing Zhang wrote:

Bike Board,
Please find the attachment of the General Consideration of Bikeway Type. As said, it is standardized nationwide recommendation and our hope is to put it in our local context. Any comments will be appreciated!
Jing Zhang
Transportation Planner
Morgantown Monongalia
Metropolian Planning Organization
864.207.0749 (cell)
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