I wonder if they could be asked to create bike-friendly stairs to encourage dismounting rather than zooming onto the trail, such as depicted in the attached, with an alternate ramp for wheelchair/stroller access that is ADA compliant?
From: Frank Gmeindl <fgmeindl@gmail.com>
To: Gunnar Shogren <gshogren@gmail.com>
Cc: Ella Belling <ella@montrails.org>; bikeboard@bikemorgantown.com
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 2:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Bikeboard] Beech View Place opportunity - sidewalk ramp

Well, at least the ramp descends northerly so descending cyclists merging onto the trail will collide with same direction cyclists rather than head-on with on-coming cyclists.

Concerning the steps, with the next to last step practically on the trail, I can also envisage pedestrians walking right into the path of northbound cyclists without looking.  Those steps should have been set back with at least a 3-foot landing prior to merging onto the trail. 

I wonder if they'll "landscape" the area around the steps & ramp to obscure the sight-line between cyclists on the trail and people descending the stairs and ramp.  Currently, there are several trail accesses that are obscured by vegetation.  Before long, we're going to have a collision between a cyclist and a pedestrian or between two cyclists at one of these accesses because they didn't see each other.

The worst is the ramp that leads from Terra Cafe parking lot to the trail in Star City across from the playground.  A large tree obscures view, the ramp has a significant downward slope (albeit much less that the ramp at Beechview) toward the trail and the playground presents tremendous visual distraction. 

Another case is the Seneca Center.  The walkway from the Seneca Center to the trail started to be obscured 2 years ago with the planting of trees on either side of the riverside entrance.  As that vegetation grows, the collision risk will increase.

In Sabraton, there's a path connecting the parking lot behind Rent-A-Center and Wendy's that is completely hidden by huge dense bushes.

Obscuring the sight-line to the trail with intentionally planted vegetation seems to be common practice.  Aren't there any standards?  On Sep. 11 just after AutoZone installed their steps and planted their vegetation, I recommended to Ella Belling, Mark Wise and Chris Fletcher the standard/guideline/requirement that anyone on the trail should be able to see from at least 100 feet whether anyone is merging onto the trail from the ramps, steps, etc..  Likewise, anyone on the ramps, steps, etc. should have a clear view of the trail 100 feet in both directions. 

Don't the people installing these things ride the rail trail?  Is there an engineer in the house?


On Mar 19, 2013, at 11:23 PM, Gunnar Shogren wrote:

> I've always noticed the ramp. It's been there quite a while.
> And cleaned up it will be even more noticeable. Specially when folks
> are going up and down it.  Whee!
> There, done, end of discussion.
> I will say that their site is painful-
> http://aplaceatthebeech.com/
> Misspeelings, incorrect usages and then just some things that are
> fabricated "practically next door to the PRT!" well I guess
> technically they are, except you CAN'T get on the PRT there!
> Oh well. Also rather obvious that the folks aren't from around here.
> Exploit the land, town and students! Yay!
> On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 10:12 PM, Jonathan Rosenbaum
> <jr@wvcompletestreets.org> wrote:
>> Exactly.  I didn't even notice that side path until I came back for the
>> event, I saw you coming on your way to take a photo, but didn't have time to
>> mention it to you.  However, I happened to be looking for it because of the
>> previous conversation.  It is angled in such a way that it isn't obvious to
>> a bicyclist coming down the trail that it is even there, also the mud on it
>> doesn't help out .. it is quite sketchy.  Because I didn't know the path was
>> there, when I saw work being done on the steps, I thought a ramp along the
>> steps would be an appropriate solution.
>> Ella, is correct this ramp needs to be repaved, and it needs to be made more
>> obvious to travelers coming down the rail trail.
>> -Jonathan
>> On 03/19/2013 07:36 PM, Gunnar Shogren wrote:
>> So perhaps I'm missing something.  And if so then please do enlighten me.
>> Have many of you ridden/stopped by these steps? There are five or so
>> steps, depending on how you count them.  Difference between rail trail
>> and top is probably less than I originally imagine, like 4-5 ft.
>> The entrance to the already existing ramp (that pretty much goes to
>> the top of the steps) is probably 5-6 yards away from the bottom of
>> the steps.
>> So who is suggesting that the developer, or whomever, needs to put a
>> side path beside the steps so students can walk their bikes up?
>> Instead of just riding up the ramp that is already there.
>> Is this what we, the Bike Board,  want to use whatever clout or
>> influence we have for?
>> I for one do not think so.  I'm not sure that you want to know what I
>> think of this...
>> Attached find some photos of the steps and ramp.
>> On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 2:58 PM, Ella Belling <ella@montrails.org> wrote:
>> Hope to talk to Trevor once he is back in the office.  I know of the "paved"
>> ramp which is to be cleaned up and repaved once the weather accommodates.
>> We have also asked for culverts at this site because this "sketchy" access
>> is blocking water at our ditch lines.
>> On Mar 19, 2013, at 3:53 PM, Gunnar Shogren <gshogren@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 2:40 PM, Derek Springston <dspringston@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> 331 Beechurst Avenue.
>> Thanks Derek.  A street address always works well and/or best. (make
>> me click on a website link...)  :)
>> Didn't/don't they have a little paved ramp down to the rail trail,
>> albeit probably "unsanctioned" and a bit sketchy?
>> They have steps there.  It's like a 7 foot difference isn't it? Or
>> perhaps they're doing something different now.
>> I will look at it and report back later in this fine and blustery day.
>> On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 3:32 PM, Gunnar Shogren <gshogren@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 2:25 PM, Jonathan Rosenbaum
>> <jr@wvcompletestreets.org> wrote:
>> On the way down to BOPARC to pick up tags for the valet service tonight,
>> I
>> observed workers in the process of finishing the cement for steps going
>> down
>> to the rail trail at the new Beech View Place development (I believe
>> that is
>> the correct name).
>> Care to enlighten me/us as to just where this is?  I just tried The
>> Google and didn't come up w/ anything.
>> This is a perfect opportunity to request that ramp(s) be placed on the
>> side
>> of these new steps so that bicyclists can easily push their bicycles
>> up/down, rather than having to carry their bicycles up the steps.  This
>> would be an easy thing to add.
>> Who could we contact to make this request?
>> -Jonathan
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>> Let deeds, not words, be your adorning.  -'Abdu'l-Baha
>> “Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair for the future
>> of the human race.”  -H.G. Wells
>> Ella Belling
>> Executive Director
>> Mon River Trails Conservancy
>> P.O. Box 282
>> Morgantown, WV 26507
>> www.montrails.org
>> 304-692-6782
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