Bicycle Board Members,

Thank you all who replied to my message below.  Attached is a file that contains your responses.  One respondent suggested that it would be handy if we all had each others' phone numbers.  While I didn't ask for them in my original message, if you send me your phone number, I'll add it to the attached list and send an update out.  I'll submit the attached list, without phone numbers to Barbara Shellito today.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Addresses
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 17:25:44 -0500
From: Frank Gmeindl <>

Bicycle Board Members,

Barbara Shellito, the Traffic Commission Secretary asked me for an 
updated list of Bicycle Board members including member surface mail 
addresses.  I have a current membership list with e-mail addresses but 
it does not include surface mail addresses.  Could you please reply to 
this message and give me your surface mail address? 
