Bicycle Board Members,

Since nobody replied to the message  below with items for the agenda, I'm hereby canceling this Thursday's monthly Bicycle Board meeting.

If you get a chance in the next couple weeks, please go to Issues_for_DOH and write in any issues you have with local state controlled roads.  I would like to reply to Bryan Radabaugh's Nov. 11 request for us to identify any issues.  (See message from, Subject: Issues_for_DOH.)   If you have any difficulty writing in the spreadsheet, please let me know and I'll help you.

Since our next meeting is January 6, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


On Nov 29, 2010, at 1:20 PM, Frank Gmeindl wrote:

Bicycle Board Members.

Please send me ASAP any items that you want on the agenda for this Thursday's meeting.
