Derek S. invites you to participate in the Doodle poll "Bike Board - Grant Planning Meeting."
Hi there,
Derek S. ( invites you to participate in the Doodle poll "Bike Board - Grant Planning Meeting."
Derek S. says:
At last night's BB meeting (April 2), Bike Board members discussed need to develop subcommittee to develop systematic plan for pursuing, obtaining, and managing grants. Jing, Frank, Chip, Traci, and Derek volunteered to help on this Grant Planning Committee. Please list your availability for a Grant Planning Meeting to establish: 1-2 year grant plan, roles for members, platform to evaluate existing funding to match w/ priority Morgantown cycling projects, prepare update for next BB meeting.
Participate now
What is Doodle? Doodle is a web service that helps Derek S. to find a suitable date for meeting with a group of people. Learn more about how Doodle works.
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