Wow, super, Hugh and thanks so much.
What do folks think about a image of an auto with that bumper sticker on the home page of our web site?
>>> Hugh Kierig 11/3/2010 4:59 PM >>>
I can have our marking coordinator assist in putting together an e-news broadcast that includes the bumper sticker and promotes the Confident City Cycling program. 
Hugh E. Kierig, AICP, Director
Department of Transportation and Parking
West Virginia University
Post Office Box 6561
1112 Van Voorhis
Morgantown, West Virginia 26506
304-293-9095 (o)
304-293-3939 (f)

>>> Jim Rye 11/2/2010 2:20 PM >>>
Kimberly, Clement, and Hugh,
What about an email something like the below to all university employees as part of WVU's efforts towards achieving employee wellness and reduction in automobile traffic and being a model for sustainable practices? The message might state that the bumper sticker is part of several ongoing educational efforts to help individuals feel more confident about cycling for transportation on our city and university streets, thereby reducing automobile traffic etc.
If you agree and could get any necessary approvals, is there someone who could take charge of getting it out (either as a direct email or in WVU E-News) including to whom responding email messages should be sent to receive the sticker via intercampus mail?  Requests also would give us some feedback about the current interest out there.  >>> Jim Rye 10/27/2010 11:34 AM >>>
Dear HRE Faculty and Staff,
I am on a committee to implement the "Morgantown Effective Bicycling Education Program" grant.  If you are willing to place the sticker (pictured below) that we developed on your auto bumper, email me and I will put one in your mailbox next week.