Chip and Frank,

Do either of you have the costs associated with the Bike Racks that we placed downtown on High Street?  I'm trying to factor these into our estimate to provide to Jeff Mikorski on placing covered bike parking at the Mountainline bus stops as part of our Letter of Intents for the TAP funding. 

I was thinking that having 4 racks that hold 8 bikes at each shelter would be plenty.  And I thought it would be best to match the racks at the bus stops with the previous sets that were installed downtown.  Does anyone have any other thoughts? 

I will need the price per rack -
Associated design and construction oversight costs, if you have it -

If I can get the cost of those, I'll have estimated costs for all 4 projects Traci, Chip, and I discussed at the last BB meeting.  Hopefully, all of these projects will have Letters of Intent submitted by the City of Morgantown and BOPARC.  
Let deeds, not words, be your adorning.  -'Abdu'l-Baha

“Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair for the future of the human race.”  -H.G. Wells