Bike Board Members,

Our interaction with the Traffic Commission tonight (13-May) was probably the most successful yet.

1. Education
The TC members unanimously agreed to start their next meeting 1 hour early to participate in the Intro to Safe Cycling course for planners and public officials.  (This is the presentation whose draft I sent you before our last meeting.  I will ask for your feedback on the final before I present it to the TC.)  The next TC meeting is Wednesday, 11-July, 5:30 PM.

2. Replacement Members
The TC agreed with our recommendations of Autumn Bryson, Gunnar Shogren, Sam Stone and Alice Vernon as replacement members.

3. Bike-and-Chevron markings
On behalf of the Infrastructure Committee, Chip presented the attached recommendation for placement of the Bike-and-Chevron markings.  As you can see on the attached, we categorized the recommended streets into city streets, state or county road under DOH jurisdiction and intersections of city and DOH roads.  The Traffic Commission asked us to prioritize the city streets and to prioritize the other roads and give the prioritized lists to Terry Hough.  She agreed to present the recommendation to the WV DOH and report back to the TC and Bike Board.  The TC is definitely behind this and wants to get at least some of it done.

4. Rail trail signs and stripes (First part of Sam Stone's request)
The TC accepted our recommendation to install "Keep Right" signs at all trail entrances and voted to request BOPARC to implement.  They discussed extensively our striping recommendation.  They voted to recommend to BOPARC that they install appropriate stripes on congested sections of the trail.

5. Second part of Sam Stone's request
I reported that Stone's request was congruent with our February Bike-and-Chevron recommendations (Broad Goal 1 Pilot Project 1) but that he identified some additional routes.  I pointed out that some of both of our and Sam's routes are outside the city limits and all of them are state roads.  We have the list of routes but I didn't provide it.  I suggested that we provide it after the city implements the recommendations discussed in item #3 above.  They agreed.

The Infrastructure Committee will prioritize the Bike-under-Chevron recommended locations and provide the prioritized lists to Terry Hough.
