Dear BB Members,
Either late on Friday or early Monday morning, I would like to send the email text below and the letter attachment out to our identified stakeholders.   Please review and give your approval as early as possible, but no later than Sunday.    Also BIG THANKS to Butch and Emily for their drafts of the letter.  They did most of the work! 

Here is the list of stakeholders we've identified: 
Hugh Kierig - - 304-293-9095,
Tom Arnold - - 304-284-7435,
Terrence Moore - - 304-284-7405
Jeff Mikorski - - 304-284-7405
Chip Wamsley -
Pathfinder - - 304-296-0076
Perry Keller - - 304-558-9591
Dave Bruffy - - 304-296-3680
Bill Austin - - 304-291-9571
University Health Associates- ???
Terry Cutright - MainStreet - - 304-292-0168
BOPARC - Mark Wise - - 304-296-8356
Marjorie Gardens - ???

We also have two options for sending out via email...  We can address by name each email and attachment letter to send each out individually  OR  make generic address and send out all together copying everyone in the TO: field so they can each see who else we're asking.   Votes anyone? 

Will place the attached letter on the attache BB letterhead when I have access to scanners, printers! 

Review this email and comment:
Dear [insert stakeholder name],
As a member of the Morgantown Municipal Bicycle Board, I am requesting that you please review the attached letter.  We are asking you to support our request to the EPA to host a bikeshare program workshop in Morgantown in Spring 2013.  If Morgantown is selected as one of the communities to receive this technical assistance, we also need your commitment to attend a one to two day workshop.  Please read the attached letter and reply to this email by Tuesday, October 16th with your response. 


Derek Springston

Chair, Morgantown Municipal Bicycle Board - EPA Building Blocks Program Committee

