
Pasted below, and attached is a file from Ryan Stocking who teaches "The Science Behind Cycling".   He wants help ranking the titles for a a tent layout as explained below, thank-you! -Jonathan:

In our effort to develop the curriculum to be delivered at the 2013 National Boy Scout Jamboree, we are in the process of designing the layout for a 20’x20’ tent. This tent will contain a number of hands-on activities to engage scouts in the science behind various aspects of cycling. At this time, we envision dividing the tent into 4 subsections (safety, gears, Monark/Cycleops Test, and tire pressure) each of which will showcase a particular set of activities/labs and the scientific principles related to each. For each section, a banner will be hung to distinguish one from the other. With that being said, we would appreciate your participation in helping us decide on the titles for each section within the tent. Please put yourself in the mindset of a scout (age range 12-18) visiting our tent and rank the following (with 1 being the highest) and/or feel free to write in any suggestions you may have. Thank you for your help!

Safety: Monark                     Cycleops Test:

Spin Doctor _________             Pedal Power _________

Cycle Safety _________                Got Power? _________

Safety Center _________             Human Performance _________

Other _____________ __                Other _______________

Gears:                                 Tire Pressure:

Get into Gear _________             Tire Tips _________

Changing Gears _________         Pump it up _________

Gear Up _________                     Tire Talk _________

Gear Guide _________                 Other _______________

Other _______________