Bicycle Board Members,


Please select from the following list, articles that you would like to author for the Dominion Post and the blog at

1.        About Morgantown Municipal Bicycle Board

2.        City Receives Bicycling Educational Grant

3.        Same Roads, Same Rights, Same rules

4.        Riding a Bike in Traffic

5.        Driving near Bicyclists

6.        Bikes and Pedestrians

7.        Biking for Children

8.        Alternative approaches:   Bike Lanes, Road Share

9.        Civility on the Road

10.     Green biking

11.     Healthy Biking

12.     Morgantown Bike Route

13.     Biking in Other Cities

14.     Biking around the world

15.     Traffic Skills 101

16.     Bike Trips around Morgantown

17.     Positive Spin

18.     Bike Groups in Morgantown  (????)

  1. Biking for Parents
  2. ABC Quick Check


Starting in a few weeks, we will have regular, frequent, periodical articles published and we need Bicycle Board authors for them.  If you don’t like any of these, suggest a topic that you’d like to write about.  Keep in mind that the goal is to improve behaviors and attitudes toward bicycling of everyone, including bicyclists, motorists and pedestrians in Morgantown.


We will discuss these at tomorrow night’s Bicycle Board meeting.



Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles