I can bring a hard copy to the Monday meeting, and maybe send it to printing company and have it printed out next week?




From: Frank Gmeindl [mailto:fgmeindl@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2015 12:47 PM
To: Jing Zhang
Cc: 'Bill'; 'Bike'
Subject: Re: [Bikeboard] Bicycle Insert


I'm OK with our insert being included with the others described and in the April-May mailing.  The Housing Authority insert could even be complementary.  My preference would have been that ours be the only insert but if we wait until June, others may want to add inserts then, too.  


I am compelled to point out that our original plan was to have the insert in March-April mailing.  We originally decided to target the March-April billing cycle because that's before students depart.  Then, the insert might have the most impact as we enter the good cycling weather and the most people are in town.  The most people will see it and be likely to remember it for the longest time, especially when they are driving and see a cyclist. 


When can we get it printed?  I would like to send a few copies to Debbie Pickford at Allstate ASAP and some to Kasey Russell at WVCC.




On Mar 12, 2015, at 8:57 AM, "Jing Zhang" <tranplan@labyrinth.net> wrote:

I think it is fine to be included with other inserts.




From: Traci Knabenshue <Traci.Knabenshue@mail.wvu.edu>

Subject: Re: [Bikeboard] Bicycle Insert

Date: March 12, 2015 8:49:22 AM EDT


My vote would be to maybe wait until June so it’s on its own since it is not Bike Month-specific, but I defer to those who actually put in the work to make it happen!





From: Bill [mailto:wm_a_kawecki@comcast.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 9:43 PM
To: Gmeindl, Frank; Zhang, Jing
Cc: Springston, Derek; Wamsley, Chip; Bike
Subject: Bicycle Insert


I talked to Tim Ball about the bicycle mailing insert at the MUB meeting.  He told me that MUB was doing a one 3rd page insert and there was a possibility of the Housing Authority also doing a one 3rdpage insert during the April, May mailings.  He indicated that he didn’t think it would be a problem to include the bicycle insert.  There may even be some cost savings for the insertion.


The decision is ours; is it detrimental to be included with other inserts?  I expect not and the consensus seems to be the April May time is best.  Let me know what you think.



Bill Kawecki
Morgantown City Council, Ward 2



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