
You have the spreadsheet that specifies the location of each SLM and BMUFL sign.  As a rule, put the SLMs in the middle of the lane where motorists will see them.  The SLMs are specified for intersections, uphills and curves.  Where intersections are specified, put the SLM 30 feet after the intersection in the middle of the lane.  Where uphills are specified, put the SLM 30 feet before the crest of the hill in the middle of the lane. Where curves are specified, put the SLM 30 feet before the curve starts and in the middle of the lane.  The MUTCD recommends that the SLMs be placed every 250 feet but our representatives negotiated with State to ignore this and just to place the SLMs where we recommended on the spreadsheet. See page 8, Figure 9C-107 for a detailed design of the SLM.  (This is from Oakland, CA but I've also seen it in a guideline from Portland, OR and it's figure number, 9C-107 syncs with FHWA MUTCD stuff such as 9C-9.) 

For the BMUFL (R4-11) sign, make the height of the bottom of the sign 7 feet from the pavement.  Lateral offset from the edge of the pavement is problematic.  As a rule, the BMUFL sign should be placed the same distance from the edge of the pavement as other signs on the same roadway.  When in doubt, use 6 feet.  Where signs are specified for intersections, put the sign 30 feet after the intersection.  The minimum size for the BMUFL (R4-11) is 30 in x 30 in.  I haven't found a detailed design yet.

I cut-and-pasted the relevant MUTCD sections (  Chapter 9, section 9.C.07 for SLMs and section 9.B.06 for the BMUFL sign (R4-11). See ) below.

Section 9C.07 Shared Lane Marking
42 Option:
43 The Shared Lane Marking shown in Figure 9C-9 may be used to:
44 A. Assist bicyclists with lateral positioning in a shared lane with on-street parallel parking in order to
45 reduce the chance of a bicyclist’s impacting the open door of a parked vehicle,
46 B. Assist bicyclists with lateral positioning in lanes that are too narrow for a motor vehicle and a bicycle
47 to travel side by side within the same traffic lane,
48 C. Alert road users of the lateral location bicyclists are likely to occupy within the traveled way,
49 D. Encourage safe passing of bicyclists by motorists, and
2007 NPA Text Page 527 December 2007
E. Reduce the incidence of wrong-1 way bicycling.
2 Guidance:
3 The Shared Lane Marking should not be placed on roadways that have a speed limit above 50 km/h or 35
4 mph.
5 Standard:
6 Shared Lane Markings shall not be used on shoulders or in designated bicycle lanes.
7 If used in a shared lane with on-street parallel parking, Shared Lane Markings shall be placed so
8 that the centers of the markings are at least 3.4 m (11 ft) from the face of the curb, or from the edge of
9 the pavement where there is no curb.

10 Guidance:
11 If used on a street without on-street parking that has an outside travel lane that
12 is less than 4.3 m (14 ft) wide, the centers of the Shared Lane Markings should be at
13 least 1.2 m (4 ft) from the face of the curb, or from the edge of the pavement where
14 there is no curb.

15 If used, the Shared Lane Marking should be placed immediately after an intersection and spaced at
16 intervals not greater than 75 m (250 ft) thereafter.

33 Section 9B.06 Bicycles May Use Full Lane Sign (R4-11)
34 Option:
35 The Bicycles May Use Full Lane (R4-11) sign (see Figure 9B-2) may be used on roadways where no
36 bicycle lanes or adjacent shoulders usable by bicyclists are present and where travel lanes are too narrow for
37 bicyclists and motor vehicles to operate side by side.
38 The Bicycles May Use Full Lane sign may be used in locations where it is important to inform road users
39 that bicyclists might occupy the travel lane.
40 Support:
41 The Uniform Vehicle Code (UVC) defines a “substandard width lane” as a “lane that is too narrow for a
42 bicycle and a vehicle to travel safely side by side within the same lane.”

4 Section 2A.18 Mounting Height
5 Standard:
6 The provisions of this Section shall apply unless specifically stated otherwise for a particular sign or
7 object marker elsewhere in this Manual.
8 Support:
9 The mounting height requirements for object markers are provided in Chapter 2L.
10 In addition to the provisions of this Section, information affecting the minimum mounting height of signs
11 as a function of crash performance can be found in AASHTO’s “Roadside Design Guide” (see Section
12 1A.11).
13 Standard:
14 The minimum height, measured vertically from the bottom of the sign to the elevation of the near
15 edge of the pavement, of signs installed at the side of the road in rural areas shall be 1.5 m (5 ft) (see
16 Figure 2A-2).
17 The minimum height, measured vertically from the bottom of the sign to the top of the curb, or in
18 the absence of curb, measured vertically from the bottom of the sign to the elevation of the near edge of
19 the traveled way, of signs installed at the side of the road in business, commercial, or residential areas
20 where parking or pedestrian movements are likely to occur, or where the view of the sign might be
21 obstructed, shall be 2.1 m (7 ft) (see Figure 2A-2).
22 The minimum height, measured vertically from the bottom of the sign to the sidewalk, of signs
23 installed above sidewalks shall be 2.1 m (7 ft).
24 Option:
25 The height to the bottom of a secondary sign mounted below another sign may be 0.3 m (1 ft) less than the
26 height specified above.
27 Guidance:
28 If the bottom of a secondary sign that is mounted below another sign is mounted lower than 2.1 m (7 ft)
29 above a pedestrian sidewalk or pathway (see Section 6D.02), the secondary sign should not project more than
30 100 mm (4 in) into the pedestrian facility.
31 Option:
32 Signs that are placed 9 m (30 ft) or more from the edge of the traveled way may be installed with a
33 minimum height of 1.5 m (5 ft), measured vertically from the bottom of the sign to the elevation of the near
34 edge of the pavement.
35 Standard:
36 Directional signs on freeways and expressways shall be installed with a minimum height of 2.1 m (7
37 ft), measured vertically from the bottom of the sign to the elevation of the near edge of the pavement.
38 All route signs, warning signs, and regulatory signs on freeways and expressways shall be installed with
39 a minimum height of 2.1 m (7 ft), measured vertically from the bottom of the sign to the elevation of the
40 near edge of the pavement. If a secondary sign is mounted below another sign on a freeway or
41 expressway, the major sign shall be installed with a minimum height of 2.4 m (8 ft) and the secondary
42 sign shall be installed with a minimum height of 1.5 m (5 ft), measured vertically from the bottom of the
43 sign to the elevation of the near edge of the pavement.
44 Where large signs having an area exceeding 5 square meters (50 square feet) are installed on
45 multiple breakaway posts, the clearance from the ground to the bottom of the sign shall be at least 2.1
46 m (7 ft).
47 Option:
48 A route sign assembly consisting of a route sign and auxiliary signs (see Section 2D.30) may be treated as
49 a single sign for the purposes of this Section.
50 The mounting height may be adjusted when supports are located near the edge of the right-of-way on a
51 steep backslope.
52 Support:
1 the sign closer
2 to the road, which might be less desirable.
3 Standard:
4 Overhead signs shall provide a vertical clearance of not less than 5.2 m (17 ft) to the sign, light
5 fixture, or sign bridge over the entire width of the pavement and shoulders except where the structure
6 on which the overhead signs are to be mounted or other structures along the roadway near the sign
7 structure have a lesser vertical clearance.
8 Option:
9 If the vertical clearance of other structures along the roadway near the sign structure is less than 4.9 m (16
10 ft), the vertical clearance to an overhead sign structure or support may be as low as 0.3 m (1 ft) higher than the
11 vertical clearance of the other structures in order to improve the visibility of the overhead signs.
12 In special cases it may be necessary to reduce the clearance to overhead signs because of substandard
13 dimensions in tunnels and other major structures such as double-deck bridges.
14 Support:
15 Figure 2A-2 illustrates some examples of the mounting height requirements contained in this Section.

16 Section 2A.19 Lateral Offset
17 Standard:
18 For overhead sign supports, the minimum lateral offset from the edge of the shoulder (or if no
19 shoulder exists, from the edge of the pavement) to the near edge of overhead sign supports (cantilever
20 or sign bridges) shall be 1.8 m (6 ft). Overhead sign supports shall have a barrier or crash cushion to
21 shield them if they are within the clear zone.
22 Post-mounted sign and object marker supports shall be crashworthy (breakaway, yielding, or
23 shielded with a longitudinal barrier or crash cushion) if within the clear zone.
24 Guidance:
25 For post-mounted signs, the minimum lateral offset should be 3.7 m (12 ft) from the edge of the traveled
26 way. If a shoulder wider than 1.8 m (6 ft) exists, the minimum lateral offset for post-mounted signs should be
27 1.8 m (6 ft) from the edge of the shoulder.
28 Support:
29 The minimum lateral offset requirements for object markers are provided in Chapter 2L.
30 The minimum lateral offset is intended to keep trucks and cars that use the shoulders from striking the
31 signs or supports.
32 Guidance:
33 All supports should be located as far as practical from the edge of the shoulder. Advantage should be
34 taken to place signs behind existing roadside barriers, on over-crossing structures, or other locations that
35 minimize the exposure of the traffic to sign supports.
36 Option:
37 Where permitted, signs may be placed on existing supports used for other purposes, such as highway
38 traffic signal supports, highway lighting supports, and utility poles.
39 Standard:
40 If signs are placed on existing supports, they shall meet other placement criteria contained in this
41 Manual.
42 Option:
43 Lesser lateral offsets may be used on connecting roadways or ramps at interchanges, but not less than 1.8
44 m (6 ft) from the edge of the traveled way.
45 On conventional roads in areas where it is impractical to locate a sign with the lateral offset prescribed by
46 this Section, a lateral offset of no less than 0.6 m (2 ft) may be used.
47 A minimum offset of 0.3 m (1 ft) from the face of the curb may be used in urban areas where sidewalk
48 width is limited or where existing poles are close to the curb.
49 Guidance:
1 intrude into the
2 usable width of a sidewalk or other pedestrian facility.
3 Support:
4 Figures 2A-2 and 2A-3 illustrate some examples of the lateral offset requirements contained in this
5 Section.


Derek Springston wrote:
Hey guys...
I have been attempting to find some of the standards on how the SLM's and signs will be applied to the roads and have had little luck.  On the excel spreadsheet I was given with locations, it lists a SLM standard of 9c.9 and a sign R4-11 (bicycles may use full lane).  I've been trying to find these standards, so I'll have something to go by on our maps, but I haven't had any luck yet.  I looked on the FHWA's (Federal Highway Administrations) MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) website and found a few things, but nothing exact.  If anyone can help with locating this, it would be great.  I need to find out with things like spacing for signs, how many signs at each location, width and length of shared lane markings with respect to the road, etc, etc...   My student copy of ArcMap expired on my home computer, so I've found it more difficult to get this task done along with not being able to find the standards.  Your help will be appreciated..  Thanks and have a wonderful day...
~Derek Springston 

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