Bike Board Members,
I am excited to announce that yesterday the City of Morgantown submitted WVDOH Transportation Alternatives grant application for FY2016.  The application submitted requests $500,000 for a Multi-Use Path to be installed along State Route 705 from Mileground Road to Willowdale Road, complete with bike lanes, crosswalks, and pedestrian signals.  I've attached a project map to help with your understanding. 

This is the same grant funding sources that we submitted for FY14, in which the City obtained $120,000 in funding for the Shared Lane Markings, Bikes May Use Full Lane (R4-11) signs, and the bus/bike shelters, which was awarded on 3/26/15.  It looks like the FY14 project may begin installation this Spring or Summer.  I'll be sure to keep you in the loop regarding the FY16 application, especially when, or if, it's awarded! 

If you're interested in seeing the actual application, let me know. 

I'd like to graciously thank our team including Chip Wamsley, Jing Zhang, Drew Gatlin, Christina Hunt for helping prepare the application for the City.  We are fortunate to have the City's buy-in, approval, and submittal to help guide those projects that were approved in the Morgantown Bicycle plan back in 2012.

Big thanks to Jeff Mikorski, Damien Davis, and Carol Allen at the city level.  

Have a nice day,

Let deeds, not words, be your adorning.  -'Abdu'l-Baha
 “Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride.”  -John F. Kennedy
"...the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice." - Martin Luther King
"...change can be so constant you don't even feel the difference until there is one. It can be so slow that you don't even notice that your life is better or worse, until it is. Or it can just blow you away, make you something different in an instant." - George from 'My Life as A House'