The Crossroads project is bringing transportation and land use development hand in hand.  

I'd say intelligence trumps bravery.  With leaders such as Bill Austin, Chris Fletcher, Jing Zhang, Christiaan Abildso, Jeff Mikorski and the current majority of City Council, we have the right leadership in the City.  Their challenge is to bring the County and State along.  

Of course, there's the issue of money. Another apparent similarity between Morgantown and Groningen is that they're both university towns.  I would guess that Groningen has a lot of smart people that know how to make money.  The same is true of Morgantown but perhaps there's more community spirit in both the smart people and Groningen University?

On Oct 16, 2013, at 1:26 PM, Jing Zhang wrote:

One issue is about the compact development. Transportation should go hand in hand with land use development, or vice versa, And a group of  brave politicians…
From: [] On Behalf Of Frank Gmeindl
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2013 1:14 PM
To: Christiaan Abildso
Cc: Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Board; Board; zhang jing
Subject: Re: [Bikeboard] No 1 Cycling City in the World
Except for Morgantown being hilly and Groningen being flat, yes it could.  In fact, looking at a map of Groningen, it's similar to Morgantown in geographic size: about 5 miles x 9 miles.  
Maybe we must wait until our population grows to 90,000 and our continual effort to accommodate more motor vehicles hits the wall though.
On Oct 16, 2013, at 12:01 PM, Christiaan Abildso wrote:

Is this about Morgantown? Couldn't it be!?


On Wednesday, October 16, 2013 9:42 AM, Frank Gmeindl <> wrote:
"Easier by bike than by car, actually"
90,000 population, inc. 50,000 students; 60% trips in city center by bike
1977 traffic circulation plan blocked motorists from city center; they must go around; only cyclists and pedestrians could go through ==> trip by car: 12 minutes; trip by bike: 2 minutes.
No sprawl.
Central transit stop has 5,000 indoor bike racks, no charge plus 5,000 more with fee. "On weekend, all full."
Employers REQUIRED to provide secure parking, showers.
Bike share system with stations at every transit stop.
New residential and commercial developments extend the bicycling and pedestrian network; even building special bridges.
"You're not going to get a cycling revolution by having a few 30 km narrow streets, by building just a few cycle paths or by traffic calming a few streets; you have to do everything and you have to do it everywhere"
Quiet, peaceful... but also, flat.
Crossings between motor traffic and bicycle traffic not shown: no crash statistics.
No mention of cost but savings from not having to build more motorways is evident.

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