From: Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Board <>Date: August 8, 2012 3:04:12 PM EDTTo: Bill Reger-Nash <>, Bob Anderson <>, Christiaan Abildso <>, Dan Harris <>, David Small <>, Debbie Cain <>, Dwight Harshbarger <>, George Lilley <>, Ilana Chertok <>, Jan Derry <>, Jimmie Simmons <>, Margaret Stout <>, Maria Smith <>, Martha Summers <>, Mary Gutmann <>, Michael Graham <>, Regina Mayolo <>, Sarah Bias <>, Stan Cohen <>, Tom Bias <>, Angela Wiley <>, Bill Austin <>, Claire Chantler <>, Courtney Pawlak <>, Damien Davis <>, Danielle Williams <>, Don Spencer <>, Ella Belling <>, Frank Gmeindl <>, Hugh Kierig <>, Jim Rye <>, Jonathan Rosenbaum <>, Josh Woods <>, Kevin Leyden <>, Maria Brann <>, Matt Cross <>, Melody Thomas <>, Michael Simms <>, Mike Breiding <>, Nick Hein <>, Ron Bane <>, Roy Nutter <>Subject: Pedestrian & Cyclist-Motor Vehicle crashes, WV 2000-2006Reply-To: Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Board <>There was some interest expressed in the final product of Courtney Pawlak's MPH internship. Please find attached a PDF of the poster she presented re: statewide crash data and an excel table with county-specific rates of pedestrian-motor vehicle crashes, cyclist-motor vehicle crashes, and combined - all per 100,000 residents.Nugget: estimated $1.07 BILLION in costs related to ped/cyclist-vehicle crash injuries & fatalities in the 7 years of data statewide (~$150 million per year on average).For data heads: statewide - roughly 20.6 crashes per 100,000 residents using a 5 year moving average from 2000-2005 (5.5 cyclist & 15.1 pedestrian)For morbid types: there were 206 fatalities over the 7 years (~30 per year)For senior citizens: 47 of the 206 fatalities were aged 60+For parents: 32 of the 206 fatalities were <16 years oldFor Mon County residents: 5th highest ped-bike rate of 40.7 crashes per 100,000 residents (5.2 cyclist & 35.5 ped- per 100,000 residents)Courtney is preparing a final report that we anticipate sharing with the WV AARP for those with interest.Because the Pedestrian Safety Board will NOT likely meet in September (Bill & I will both be traveling), I have asked Courtney to present to the Traffic Commission directly and encourage our members to attend that meeting. We could fairly easily drill down to Morgantown specific numbers, including corridors, fatality rates, etc.Damien - please add a presentation by Courtney to the September TC agenda and confirm to all that the meeting will be 6:30 on Sept 5th in Council chambers.Thank you,
ChristiaanWalk more, safelyMorgantown Pedestrian Safety BoardChristiaan Abildso, ChairBill Reger-Nash, Vice Chair