Frank, this is a shock and a surprise. I did not see this coming.

Although we have not entirely agreed on bike policies, I have always respected your energy, organization and commitment.

Personally, I credit you as my mentor, since that day in 2002 when you rode with me all the way to Blacksville, despite the unlikely condition and appearance of my bike and myself. That event made me a stronger and longer rider.

I hope that someone else who takes the role of chair will show a similar measure of commitment and energy.

Best regards, John Lozier

John Lozier
"It's an UPHILL STRUGGLE to get folks to think of bikes as TRANSPORTATION"

On Jul 23, 2008, at 9:29 PM, Frank Gmeindl wrote:

Bicycle Board Members,

I hereby resign my position of Chairman of the Bicycle Board. 

For the 7-August meeting, I recommend you elect someone who can 
negotiate the Morgantown bureaucracy and get something done.  I am very 
proud of the Board's accomplishments in our first 6 months. However, I 
must admit that it takes someone better than me to get the City to 
follow our lead. 

I would like to remain a regular member of the Board and look forward to 
continuing to support the Education program that we started. 


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