However, these are unapproved minutes.
Agenda Item 6 (Report from Kid’s Day)
Emily talks about kids day on July 20th. Marilyn conducted helmet fittings and Emily helped kids inflate bike tires. She said about 100 kids came through the BB&T bank parking lot and all had a great time. She did mention that Main Street Morgantown felt it was irresponsible to promote a bike valet service for the event, and wanted to note this so that we remember there is much public education to do.
Emily also talked about how it was a collaborative event with Positive Spin.  Depending on how you do the math, 75% - 100% of the people at the tent were from PS, and that's not including the 2 who were at the PS Shop for an early opening to coincide with the event.  PS wants to be on the City's radar screen, too.  :)


On 09/03/2013 01:15 PM, Frank Gmeindl wrote:
Thanks, Traci!  I think June was the last TC meeting.  Thanks for the suggestions.  I will include them both.  Thanks for reporting on them so well in the BB August minutes so I can just copy;)


On Sep 3, 2013, at 12:44 PM, Traci Knabenshue wrote:

They have not met for a few months, correct? How about participation in Kid's Day and invitation to work on MPO's regional bike plan?

>>> Frank Gmeindl <> 9/3/2013 10:48 AM >>>
Tomorrow, I have to give a Bicycle Board report to the Traffic Commission.  Please give me something to report ASAP.


On Sep 2, 2013, at 11:03 AM, Gunnar Shogren wrote:

> Is Fall upon us?
> Will we see nicer weather soon?
> Well none of that matters right now, cause he have a Bike Board
> meeting this Thursday!
> Hope you all can attend.
> Any items for the agenda?
> Updates on our projects?
> Thanks.
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