Bicycle Board Members,

City Councilman Don Spencer says. "We need to prepare as soon as possible a 5-year financial budget projection for the City Manager. This may be the way in which we get the items that were cut restored.
Please put in the first year the resources necessary to complete the climbing lane, do the map, install SOME of the garage parking, as well as the bike ed match. For the second year we need to continue items, such as the garage parking, sharrows, street parking, etc. Also include along the way as you deem best, Share the Road signs, continued bike ed, bike-ped coordinator, bike month support, training for public safety personnel, etc. A five year progressive picture."

By next Monday, I am going to try to flesh out the attached bicycling plan.  Currently, I will try to spread it over a 5-year period and develop an annual budget, progressive for each of the five years.  

There are currently 72 "initiatives" or projects in the plan.  Without any help, I can probably make a credible cost and schedule estimate for about 10 of them.  So, first, I'm going to select the projects that I think are most important, or most attractive to those that review and approve the budget and work on them.  I could probably do a lot better job if I had some help.

RIght off, the following projects will probably be included:
* Continued the Confident City Cycling education program through 2011
* Replacing in-line grates
* Install Mon Blvd. bicycle climbing lane
* Complete the bike route map including distribution 
* Some downtown bike lockers
* Some signage
* Shared Lane Markings and Bicycles May Use Full Lane signs (for 2012)

Initiatives that I don't plan to work on unless I get some help include:
* Trails or bike paths
Safe Routes to Schools
* Cycling education in the schools
* Enforcement (Our plan has 10 enforcement initiatives)
* Encouragement such as Bike Month, encouraging employers, community celebrations
* Bike-ped coordinator

The plan that I think I can generate by next week will not address all the recommendations that LAB gave us in response to our 2007 Bicycle Friendly Community award application.  (Also attached is a spreadsheet with the feedback and our status.)  Terrence said he wants the Bronze award.

If you'd like to do anything to help with the areas that I plan to address or if you'd like to take on one or more areas that I probably won't get to, please reply.

Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles