Bike Board Members,

My action items from last night's meeting:

1. Action: Schedule Grant Planning Meeting to develop systematic plan for pursuing, obtaining, and managing grants.  Doodle poll created.  Will schedule meeting when participants reply with availablity.
    Meeting Outcomes:  establish 1-2 year grant plan, establish roles for committee members, establish platform to evaluate existing funding to match with priority Morgantown cycling projects, prepare status update for next BB meeting.

2. Action:  Locate "Find It Fund It" cycling funding table to assist Grant Planning Committee with grant planning.  Done: I've attached it or you can find it online located here:

3. Action: Assist Jing (and others?) with Obtaining Sponsors for MUB Flyer
      Need further discussion with Jing
      Outcome: identify and land sponsors. 

4. Action: Attend MPO Open House Regarding Upcoming Greenbag Rd, University Ave, and other Projects
      Outcome: submit comments/provide cycling recommendations/input to MPO for their planning.


Let deeds, not words, be your adorning.  -'Abdu'l-Baha
“Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair for the future of the human race.”  -H.G. Wells
“Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride.”  -John F. Kennedy