Bicycle Board Members,

Please contact me if you have any interest in doing a demo at WVU Employee Festival.  I think this is in addition to the booth that we're going to have.


Begin forwarded message:

From: "Kimberly Zaph" <>
Date: March 21, 2011 10:21:10 AM GMT-04:00
To: <>
Cc: "Hugh Kierig" <>
Subject: WVU EmployeeFest

Hi Frank,
At a recent EmployeeFest committee meeting, Hugh Kierig suggested I contact you to see if your group would be interested in providing some demonstrations.  I am working on a schedule of events for these demos, and I'd love to add you to the list. 
The plan is for all wellness-related activities/resource tables etc. to be located in the Mountainlair Ballrooms, and the wellness demonstrations will be performed on the stage. 
EmployeeFest will be heavily advertised soon, and a website has been created just for this event. 
If you'd like to participate in the demos, please provide the following information as soon as possible.
   1.  The name of the demonstration
   2.  Description of what's being demonstrated
   3.  Name of demonstrator/s 
   4.  Bio of demonstrator/s
   5.  List of equipment you will be bringing for the demonstration/s 
   6.  Time/s that the demo can be performed.  We hope to have demos repeated, since the crowd will vary throughout the day.  (I'm guessing that some who will perform demos will also be manning the resource booth.)  Demonstrations are needed between 11:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.  The demos can vary in length.
Please call me at your convenience for more information.
Kimberly A. B. Zaph
EmployeeFest Committee Member
Kimberly A. B. Zaph, MS, CSCS, ACSM HFS
Wellness Program Manager
WVU Division of Human Resources
P. O. Box 6640
One Waterfront Place
Morgantown, WV 26506
(304) 293-8405
(304) 293-7532 (fax)