Sounds good, the virtual meetings work good if there are people who might be out of town, that might be before Harry's hip surgery and Marilyn might be back. I can send out a summary of the new bike friendly app, it is different from the last one with a slightly different slant and the info from the alta and stantec studies should help supply some of the metrics.
---- Original Message ----
From: "Drew Gatlin" <jgatlin@morgantownwv.gov>
Sent: 7/20/2020 6:34:34 PM
To: "Bike Board" <bikeboard@bikemorgantown.com>
Subject: [Bikeboard] Potential Meeting: Next Wednesday, July 29th, 2020
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Previous members of the bike board,
There's been some discussion about trying to meet over the past few months, and a few items that have come by my desk that would benefit from citizen review. One more came up today, so I'd like to propose either a virtual or a socially distanced outdoor meeting
on Wednesday, July 29th from 4:30-5:30pm. Open to other suggestions for time.
On the potential agenda:
1) A comprehensive and holistic assessment of all bike parking facilities along the Riverfront. Objective
is to provide assessment to Mon River Revitalization Task Force and suggest desires for consistency or diversity, where
to install new ones, where to remove / relocate ones that aren't working, and which to replace with better designs. Goal
of assessment is to help task force maximize the ability of cyclists to use Riverfront amenities while minimizing damage to trees and other infrastructure that might come from unplanned bike parking.
The People for Bikes city scores / Bicycle Network Analysis: Review of 2020 rating and plan to update open street map with current data to better inform 2021 analysis
3) Expiration of Morgantown's Bronze level BFC award this fall, and decision whether / plan to re-apply.
Thoughts? We could call this a temporary working group if you'd like to not commit to re-starting the bike board. Might
help calm the nerves!
J. Drew Gatlin
Staff Engineer
389 Spruce St., Rm.
Morgantown, WV 26505
Office: (304) 284-7411
Cell: (304) 719-7900
Fax: (304) 284-7409