Speaking of being your voice at different levels of government – Dennis Strawn, President of WVCC, and I are both presenting at the WV DOT’s planning conference in September. My talk is about what communities across the state and country are doing to enhance cycling and walking. I will also mention possible projects (projects citizens would like to see happen). Dennis will be presenting on Charleston’s new bike plan. I am planning to use your stories (see below) for my presentation.

State of Cycling and Walking in West Virginia – I’m still working on this report. Morgantown so far is the winner with page after page of successes. Please, please, please send me a success, no matter how small, from your community or one that you happen to know about from anywhere in the state. Were you able to get some paint down on a road to better mark a cross walk? Were you able to organize a bike ride on National Bike to Work Day or some other occasion? Thanks so much to all that have sent me stories. I also need pictures. In fact, you can just send photos with a sentence or two description.

Thanks everyone. Hope to hear from you soon.


Kasey Russell, Executive Director, WVCC
