Hello all!

First, please welcome new members Christina Hunt, Matt Watson, and Brian Ricketts! We await their official confirmation by the traffic commission but I'm confident they will serve our board well.

Please find the December minutes attached and review the following action items:

- Damien: install bike locker signs, BFC signs, bicycle rings, confirm new members at next traffic commission meeting
- Anyone interested in taking the LCI course: reach out to Chip
- TAP grant committee (Derek S, Frank G, Christina H, Kelli L, Matt W, Marilyn N, & JingĀ  Z) intent to apply due Jan 15, 2016
- Education Committee (Harry G, Frank G, Marilyn N & Jing Z) develop an advertising strategy to educate the general public about SLM & BMUFL by this coming spring

Thanks for your time! Happy holidays if that's your thing!
-Drew, your humble secretary