Got a response back from Kasey / WVCC - Yes, early bird pricing will be reinstated.


I recommend waiting a couple weeks before registering, to give time for them to update the online registration form.


Enjoy the snow!


Christina Hunt


From: Drew Gatlin []
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2016 3:42 PM
To: Christina Hunt <>
Cc: Bike Board - Morgantown <>
Subject: Re: [Bikeboard] Bike Summit rescheduled - April 17-18, Charleston, WV


Christina, et. all,

This is great news, for me at least! I think I'll be able to swing that date much better than this coming weekend. Will early bird registration prices be reinstated??

Thanks for the heads up,



On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 3:39 PM, Christina Hunt <> wrote:

The Bike Summit has been rescheduled due to concerns about weather and speaker travel.


WV Bike Summit - New Dates

April 17-18, 2016

Charleston, WV Marriott


We are discussing adding more rides and other programming for cyclists to the Sunday part of the event – and a possible group bike ride and trip to a Power game (Charleston baseball team). Save the date!


See attached announcement for more official information. Thanks!


Christina Hunt
WV Physical Activity Network
WV Community Development Hub
103 Adams Street, Suite 200

Fairmont, WV 26554

Mobile: 304.282.4441


From: Kasey Russell []
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2016 3:33 PM
To: Jeff Ball <>; Amanda Payne <>; Christina Hunt <>; Laura M. Dice <>; Michael Haid <>; Samantha Carney <>
Cc: Bethany Williams <>; Emmett Pepper <>; John Francis <>; William Wells <>; Christiaan Abildso <>; Jing Zhang <>; Mullenax, Matt <>;
Subject: Please help us spread the word....


Jeff, Amanda, Christina, Laura, Michael, and Samantha -- please use the attached to update social media regarding postponing the WV Bike Summit to April 17 and 18. Call or email me if you have any questions. 

Thanks for your help. 


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