-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Homework due tomorrow
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 16:51:22 -0400
From: Jennifer Selin <jselin@hotmail.com>
To: Frank Gmeindl <fgmeindl@verizon.net>
References: <48DADCD7.4040209@verizon.net>

To Frank:

I am working on my tasks for the bike board:

1) Youth Member: From the Youth Commission Maria Panaccione, 876 Riverview Dr., 598-1059.

2) In-town member who has a "community-fitness" or "corporate-fitness" or "community" orientation.  I have struck out a few times but have new leads.

3) Here is some late homework:

Engineering: Help everyone by designing new and existing roads with wide lanes and enough paved shoulder and designated specific turning lanes so that cars and bicyclists feel like they can comfortably share the road.  Design roads well!!!

Enforcement: Enforce the shared use of intersections and roads---prosecute those who cut off, hassle and purposely run-down bicycle riders.

Education: Educate riders about how to ride safely and car-drivers about how to share the road.

Encouragement: Encourage and enable recreational bike riders to ride for transportation and to ride more for fitness by making connections between neighborhoods and trails.  For instance a trail from Krepps Park to Star City to the Rail Trail.  And the Campus Connector between Grant Street and the water tower on Evansdale Campus. And other connectors around town so that those who want to ride sometimes on roads and sometimes on trails or cut-throughs can do so.

Evaluation: Please continually evaluate our transportation system so that free movement by bicycle is encouraged in Morgantown and throughout the area.

: Bicycles can be owned and enjoyed by a variety of people in a variety of situations. They are inexpensive and do not take up much space.  Bicycles are a great equalizer.  A variety of transportation methods should be encouraged, particularly non-motorized transportation for health, low-cost to own and use, and sustainability over time.

Thanks for all your hard work,


Jenny Selin 1224 Fairlawns Morgantown, WV 26505 USA Phone:(304-598-9650) jselin@hotmail.com

Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 20:35:35 -0400
From: fgmeindl@verizon.net
Subject: Homework due tomorrow
To: bikeboard@cheat.org; JSelin@hotmail.com

Bicycle Board Members,

This is a reminder that your homework from our last meeting is DUE THIS FRIDAY!  Alice has already sent me hers. 8-)

>From the last meeting minutes:


After some study, it seems that good city bicycling plans all contain the following elements (or some variation thereof):


The BB’s homework assignment for the month is for EACH member to write down the biggest bicycle-related problem in each element that faces Morgantown, in his/her opinion.  A solution can also be posed, but the problem posing is most important.  Obviously, many problems can fall into multiple categories, but the most dominant category should be chosen. 

Note: This homework assignment is somewhat open to individual interpretation.  The hope is to generate some ideas for the future direction of the BB.    Please email your list to Frank by Sept. 26, 1 week before the next meeting so he can compile the lists and have them ready for clarification, prioritization and selection at the next meeting which is on Oct. 2.


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