(All: the committee is hoping for the Traffic Commission and other organizations and individuals to endorse and/or sponsor this project.  Therefore, please pass this along to anyone who might be interested.  To repeat an earlier message, the Uphill Struggle committee will meet at 6 PM February 26 at Panera's. My apologies for duplications. Thanks! JL) 


The landscape of Morgantown is hilly by nature, and roads are narrow;

Travel in Morgantown by motor vehicle is often congested;

Motor vehicles in Morgantown add to air pollution and noise;

Bicycle travel is an appropriate option for many travelers; 

The Morgantown public benefits when people choose to travel by bicycle;

Travelers of all ages benefit in health and convenience when they choose to go by bicycle;

Despite the benefits of cycling, it is an uphill struggle to get people to think of bicycles as transportation.

This organization ___________therefore resolves and affirms as follows:

1) Bicycles are vehicles, by law entitled to use public roads;

2) Using bicycles for transportation in Morgantown is a win for everyone - drivers, cyclists and the general public;

3) Cycling on hilly terrain is a challenge that requires training for safety, comfort, and health;

4) We endorse the efforts of a group of cyclists and other organizations to design and implement a program of education and training to be known as AN UPHILL STRUGGLE (or "Max's Challenge"), to be realized in the spring and summer of 2008. The program consists of a series of weekly training rides for all ages and skill levels (on Decker's Creek Trail) , and a final event involving an uphill group ride on a public road.