All, including Jonathan Nellis,

Please use the following link to edit the document -- it's hosted in our OneDrive folder and comes with tracking and version history.!Am16O3Ug817u7n4Y66z3z1VySrC4

I do think significant discussion awaits surrounding marking non-street and cut-through paths...

An additional idea I had was to make a night-time specific map, for streets that have good lighting and / or visibility for use by 

Happy reviewing!

On Fri, Dec 2, 2016 at 11:49 AM, Frank Gmeindl via Bikeboard <> wrote:
Christina and Jonathan N., thank you for compiling the suggested map changes and sending out the compilation. Also, thanks to those who submitted suggestions. To me, all of them make sense but on some of them that simply say, "mark such-and-such..." without saying whether to mark them red, blue or whatever leaves the decision to Jonathan which is OK with me but maybe not OK with Jonathan and leaves us not knowing what to expect until we see the new map. I'm OK with that but just sayin'.

How should we make comments or suggest changes to the Word doc that you sent? I'm used to marking up Word docs using Comments and Track Changes. Can we maintain the doc on OneDrive or something? I don't know how everyone else would want to do it and I don't want to make work but I'd like all of us to have visibility into changes as they are made, i. e. version control.

Some discussion and consensus will be required on some changes. For example, the driveway through Terrace Village is private property so how should we mark it? What process will we use to make such decisions?


On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 8:59 PM Christina Hunt via Bikeboard <> wrote:
Hi all, here are the suggestions collected from November's mapping meeting. Please take a look - Jonathan Nellis is going to start making these changes in about a week.

If you don't see your comments it means I didn't get them, or I forgot to add them, so please let me know. 


PS Special thanks to Frank for the awesome cookies he brought tonight! 
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