All -
Please see note from SGA representative on our board, David Small...a very worthwhile project being undertaken by SGA on Nov 1st. Please do all that you can to attend, and bring a camera (ahem, Mike B - our professional photographer!)
Walk more, safely
Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Board
Christiaan Abildso, Chair
Bill Reger-Nash, Vice Chair
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: David Small <>
To: Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Board <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 8:19 PM
Subject: SGA Safety Walk
Sorry for taking a week to get back in contact with you. I was in DC all last week for a Model UN conference and I had to put SGA on the side for a week! I wanted to get dates and times cleared up before I sent a final email on the logistics.
The Safety walk will be Tuesday November 1st at 5 pm. We will meet up in a room to be determined in the next day or two and have a quick power point presentation on what we are looking for. Then will we split up into small groups covering 5-6 key areas either on or off campus surrounding the downtown area. Another group will go to Evansdale, but there seems to not be to many safety concerns on that side of town. Everyone going will be required to try there best to take pictures so I can get a report to WVU officials before thanksgiving break. Please invite as many people as possible. The more people we have the more ground we can cover in an hour and 1/2. Around 6:45 we will return to the Mountianlair for a quick wrap up! If you have any questions or ideas to add to the walk please let me know! Dave 304-276-6806