Hello all,

January meeting minutes are attached. Please take a look and let me know if you have any questions or revisions. As you can see, we didn't do a good job with setting due dates for our new action items. We will try to leave more time at the end of next meeting to do this.

Meeting highlights included:
Volunteer roles for Bike Board members - this is a new idea we discussed to help involve more people. See the attached sheet and feel free to respond with your input. Are you interested in a role? Have an idea that's not listed? Send your thoughts to me and/or the Board!

Possible bike share in Morgantown - Zagster has been in discussion with Morgantown about the possibility of a bike share. For more information on Zagster: http://www.zagster.com/ 

*Reminder: our February meeting will be Thursday, February 2 at 6:30pm*

I believe Drew has booked the conference room for us again, so be prepared to sit in a fancy chair!
