Begin forwarded message:

From: Christopher Fletcher <>
Date: June 1, 2012 12:27:58 PM EDT
To: Christiaan Abildso <>, Frank Gmeindl <>
Cc: Trevor Lloyd <>, Damien Davis <>
Subject: Walgreens Development in Sabraton


Good afternoon.  We are working to schedule a meeting with the Walgreens developer next Thursday, June 7th and would like to know if ya'll would be available that day to review their site plan in relation to the rail-trail crossing and discuss proposed grading and visibility improvements.  We have not finalized the date or time...just wanted to see if June 7th would work.

The developer is traveling into to Morgantown, so we may challenged in coordinating schedules.

Thank you and have a safe and enjoyable weekend.


Christopher M. Fletcher, AICP
Director of Development Services
389 Spruce Street
Morgantown, WV 26505
(o) 304-284-7413
(f) 304-284-7534
(c) 304-906-7843