Begin forwarded message:

From: Kasey Russell <>
Subject: WV Connecting Communities Update
Date: August 10, 2014 11:42:21 AM EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Hello WVCC Board Members, Members and others:
I hope you all have had a great summer (for those of us with school-age children our summers are over). I want to encourage you to put the following events on your calendar:
First, our fall board meeting is October 11th starting at 4 p.m. in Lewisburg. As usual, we will have our business meeting first where we will decide on our Legislative Agenda for the 2015 Session. Then we will have an interesting speaker (John Francis, the pressure is on!), and then dinner. In the morning, we will do a bike ride and a walk. Watch for more details soon.
Next, our 2nd annual Legislative Bike Ride will be Oct. 19th. Start time will likely be about 2:00 p.m. This is great opportunity to ride (we might do a walk too) with your local delegate(s) and senator and legislative staff. As soon as Gary Zuckett and I have the invites created, it would be great for each of you to send it with a personal note to your local delegation and/or any one you personally know at the Capitol. The more the merrier!
Other news:
We need board members!! If you are interested in joining our board, please contact me.
We submitted a proposal to the Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation for $10,000 to fund our public awareness campaign on "Give Em 3." We should hear if we are successful next month.
We submitted our special license plate request to the WV DMV -- we should hear about this in the next few weeks. After Patrick Donovan and I received not quite so accurate information from the DMV, we were finally able to talk to right person. Thanks to Richard Eichberger for asking good questions which led me to right person!  As soon as we have the green light, we will be asking for your check for the pre-paid Walking/Cycling Plate.
The DMV is adding the new cycling law to its drivers' ed materials. They are also waiting for us to give them additional language regarding ped/bike that they can include in materials and in the test.
And, finally, thank you so much to all of you who officially joined WVCC. Our income comes from our membership. Without you all we could not lobby our Legislature, or advocate/educate/work with other organizations and government bodies, or have a Walking/Cycling License Plate, or work with the DMV to have Bike/Ped language added to Drivers' Ed materials, or apply for the GKVF grant, or plan the bike ride or our board meetings and much more.
Please call or email me if you have any questions/concerns/special interests,
Kasey Russell
Executive Director, WVCC