Hey guys,
Would a 5:30pm Tuesday meeting work for you?  Frank, can you look into availability of rooms?  Will Ravenscroft said Positive Spin may be an option, too.  PLEASE let me know if that meeting time will work for you.

From: guitardeek@hotmail.com
To: bikeboard@cheat.org
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2009 21:38:23 -0400
CC: wdravenscroft@mail.wvu.edu; chet_parsons@urscorp.com
Subject: Re: [Bikeboard] Bike Route GIS Meeting...

Hey guys,
Here is a list of people who are interested in the Bike Route GIS Meeting:
Frank Gmeindl
Jacob Brown
David Bruffy
Don Dickerson
Will Ravenscroft
Chet Parsons 

I would like to meet next week sometime.  My week is relatively free after 5:30pm, except Wednesday unless we can squeeze a meeting between 5:30-6:30pm.  Email me ASAP with times you can meet, and we'll try and nail down a meeting time.

Any suggestions on a location?

From: guitardeek@hotmail.com
To: bikeboard@cheat.org
Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 15:53:47 -0400
CC: ; wdravenscroft@mail.wvu.edu; chet_parsons@urscorp.com; steven.harouff@sa.netl.doe.gov
Subject: [Bikeboard] Bike Route GIS Meeting...

Hey guys,
I guess since I'm the mapping guy, I'll take the lead for the creation of the Bike Route map!  :)  As discussed during the meeting on Thursday, a few of us need to meet to discuss how to create this map, what the criteria will be for a 'route', and various other issues.

First, lets identify those of us who would like to meet.  During the meeting, these names were mentioned:
Derek Springston - volunteered to help
Frank Gmeindl - volunteered
Jacob Brown - volunteered
Don Dickerson - Frank suggested that Don should be involved since he helped with an earlier drafts
Gunnar Shogren - Frank suggested Gunnar

I believe it may be beneficial to contact these people as well:
Steve Harouff
Will Ravenscroft
Chet Parsons

So, who is willing to meet within the next week or two?  Please let me know if you're not interested, so I won't keep sending emails.

Then, we'll establish a time. 


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