 Mon River Town Program Newsletter
Volume 4, Issue 8
August, 2014
River Town Action Team Meetings
California: Recreation Authority
2nd Mon-6PM-Borough Bldg
Fredericktown: Chamber/Action Team
1st Wed-6PM-Fire Hall
Elm Street Advisory Group/Action Team 2nd Thurs-6:30PM-Log Cabin
Revive Charleroi Charleroi Borough Building Fourth Street and Fallowfield Avenue 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Star City Action Team First Monday of each month 5-6pm at the Municipal Building at 370 Broadway; next meeting July 7th
Morgantown Action Team Second Wednesday of every month 4:30-6 pm at the Hazel Ruby McQuain Bus Depot next meeting July 9th
Upcoming Events
Black Oak Arkansas @ The Aquatorium on July 5th at 5:00 p.m.
Greensboro Farmer's Market from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Book Sale at the Morgantown Public Library, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Charleroi Farners Market July 10th, from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Mon Ducky Race, Brownsville PA
They're coming and they're ready to race! Hundreds of rubber ducks will be coming to Brownsville, Pennsylvania to compete in the 6th Annual Mon Ducky Race on the Monongahela River on Saturday, August 9th. Adopt a duck and join in the fun as the fastest duck that crosses the finish line is a winner! First place prize is a Weekend Getaway at Nemacolin (valued at $1000) or $500 in cash, second place prize is a Gift Card package worth $100 and the third place price is a BARC gift shop package valued at $50. Tickets cost $5 each. Festivities begin at 3:30 on the Brownsville Riverside Wharf and the ducks will begin their race from the Inter-County Bridge at 5pm. This event is sponsored by the Brownsville Area Revitalization Corporation (BARC). Tickets are on sale now! Stop by the BARC office or call (724) 785-9331 for more information.
News from Charleroi
Enjoy a night out to the movies at the Market House in Charleroi! The first movie will be held on August 13th starting at 7pm and will feature Despicable Me 2. The second movie will be held on August 27th, again at 7pm, and will feature Gnomeo & Juliet. Sounds like a great time for the entire family. If you are in the area on Thursday evenings enjoy the farmer's market from 3-6pm at the Market House.
News from Fredericktown
1.How about some delicious ribs this summer? On August 9th & 10th RT 88 in Fredericktown PA will host the Ribfest II at the Riviera Restaurant. The event starts at noon and will continue until everything is sold out! If ribs aren't your thing, there will also be chicken with all the fixins'. 2. Another great event on August 9th is the BC Wrestling Open 64 Team Cornhole Tournament at the Greene Cove Tiki Hut. Registration begins at noon and the tournament starts at 1 pm. $30 team 1st place - $500. 3. Come to the Clambake on August 16th at the Greene Cove Tiki Hut. Food will begin at 1pm and entertainment will start shortly after that! 4.August 23 is the day of the East Beth Two Firemens - Strive to Survive Golf Outing at Carmichaels Golf Club. If you would like more information on this even please contact Matt Babko at 724-377-1660. 5. Greene Cove Party at the Point plus 64 team cornhole tournament will take place on August 31st. Final registration will be at noon and the tournament starts at 1pm. Entertainment and food will also be provided! This even is sponsored by BeeGraphix and Greene Cove.
News from Morgantown
1. 1st Annual Motown Mac N' Cheese Cook-off will be held on Saturday August 9th from 2pm-5pm at the Spruce Street Marketplace Pavilion. Ever wonder if your Mac N' Cheese recipe has what it takes to be named best in town? Want to know which of Morgantown's finest restaurants reigns supreme? Join us for the 1st Annual Motown Mac N' Cheese Cook-off! Enjoy activities for the whole family! Taste the best professional and hometown cooks have to offer. Find out the latest on our competitors vendors, entertainment and tickets by visiting our website http://www.motownmacncheese.com/ 2. The All American Family Festival, part of The Shack, will be hosting a Ducky Race on August 9th from 11 am-4 pm with the ducks dropping at 3 pm.
The schedule is as follows: The All American Family Festival is a yearly festival that brings together all kinds of FREE fun for the whole family. This year it's happening August 9th from 11 am-4 pm at the Edith Barril Park in Star City. Mark your calendars and don't forget to purchase some ducks for your chance to win some great prizes including a $1500 first prize!
10 am 5k Race for FUNds 11 am Festival Opens! * LIVE Music * Free Pony Rides * Bounce Houses * Face Painting * Mr. Twister * Splash Pad * Carnival Games & Prizes * Food * *Little Pirate and Mermaid Make-Overs * Performance by Lil' Jammaz Hip Hop Company, LLC. * Arts & Crafts * 3pm Duck Race 3. Family Fun Festivals at BOPARC will continue through August. Gather the family and celebrate summer BOPARC style with an evening of fun family activities. Family Fun Festivals will feature the BOPARC Art Cart and WVU Healthcare Bounce House from 7pm-9pm with a movie on the jumbo screen starting at dusk (approximately 9pm). August 1st - Jack Roberts Park - Movie: Nut Job and August 15th - Paul Preserve - Movie: Lego Movie
4. August 17th at Hazel Ruby McQuain Park, The Riverfront Jazz Festival will take place from 4pm-8pm. This event is hosted from Jazz on the River. In case of inclement weather, the event will move to the Metropolitan Theater. 5. BOPARC is hosting a Triathlon for Kids on Saturday August 23rd. The details include: Marilla Park at 9am
For children ages 3-12 Registration is available online, in person and by mail (until August 8th) and closes on August 15th. We will not be accepting race day registrations. Early Bird Registration (Before Aug 1) $20 Regular Registration (Aug 1-15) $25 2014 Updates and Reminders: - T-shirts are only guaranteed to participants registered by August 1st - Regular Registration must be done in person or online. NO MAIL IN REGISTRATIONS ACCEPTED AFTER AUGUST 8TH. - Registration closes August 15th
Other News on the Mon
1. The Country Roads Cyclists' July-August Ride Schedule is now available at: www.crcyclists.org/crc_rides_sched.pdf
2. The FALL 2014 MOUNTAINEER AUDUBON BIRD WALKS schedule is now out!All walks are free and will be on Saturdays except as noted. They will only be canceled for extremely inclement weather. Bring binoculars and dress appropriately for the weather. For more information, contact Terry Bronson, bronsonwv@gmail.com or 304-225-0999, except as indicated for the Dec. 6 walk. Some walks to consider are: Aug. 23-Prickett's Fort State Park. 8:00 am at rail trail parking lot next to fort. Terry Bronson, leader and Dec. 20-Morgantown Christmas Bird Count. Contact LeJay Graffious, compiler, to volunteer at lejaygraffious@gmail.com.
Recurring Events
Wed The Monongahela River, Railroad, and Transportation Museum, Brownsville
For more information about upcoming events in the
Contact Info info@monrivertowns.com
412.481.9400The River Town Program is a project of Pennsylvania Environmental Council and supported in part by the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation