FYI, Pedestrian Board 2011 accomplishments and 2012 goals.

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Christiaan Abildso" <>
Date: December 6, 2011 11:36:42 AM EST
To: <>, "Margaret Roberts" <>, "Barbara Shellito" <>, <>, "Jeff Mikorski" <>, "Mike Lantz" <>, <>, "Terry Hough" <>, "Frank Gmeindl" <>, <>, "david mckain" <>, <>, "Adam Henry" <>, "Andrea Soccorsi" <>, "Ken Martis" <>, <>, "Roy Nutter" <>
Subject: Re: Agenda for December Traffic Commission Meeting

All -
I did not submit the attached to Damien in time for the agenda as I wanted it reviewed by the Pedestrian Safety Board at our meeting last night. Please find attached a PDF summary of PSB accomplishments to date and goals for 2012. I hope it will be included in our minutes, but wanted to provide it ahead of time for your enjoyment.
See you tomorrow.

>>> On 12/5/2011 at 4:54 PM, <> wrote:

I apologize for the delay in getting this out. I have been waiting to here back from the Rahall Institute to see if they would be available before I set the agenda. Attached is the agenda and attachments. If you have any question please give me a call. Thanks. 

J. Damien Davis, EIT, CFM, Assistant City Engineer
City of Morgantown
Public Works Department - Engineering Division
389 Spruce Street
Morgantown, WV 26505
Office: 304.284.7398
Fax: 304.284.7409