SCENARIO 1 (Typewriter comment It seems to include all the positive bicycling features that are also in Scenario 2.) (Typewriter comment Van Voorhis: instead of "improve pavement widths" better to say widen the climbing lane so that MVs can pass bicycles while leaving 4-feet of space between the MV and bicycle.) (Typewriter comment blank) (Typewriter comment blank) (Typewriter comment blank) (Typewriter comment blank) (Typewriter comment blank) (Typewriter comment blank) What do you like about Scenario 1? What are its strengths? (Typewriter comment Bikeable shoulders is nonsense. Shoulders are not part of the roadway and are not designed or built for travel. Shoulders are usually not safely because of debris. Bicyclists rights and duties on shoulders are undefined while bicyclists rights and duties on roadways are defined by WV law. Bike lanes are designated in locations in which they are inappropriate. Bike lanes should not be installed where there is a high risk of right hooks, left crosses and driveouts. Bike lanes are only appropriate where the speed differential between motor vehicles and bicycles is excessive, say greater than 25 mph and there are few if any intersections or driveways and consequently minimal crossing traffic. In situations in which the speed differential is less than 25 mph or there are significant crossing traffic wide lanes to enable motor vehicles to pass bicyclists safely, i.e. with a distance of at least 4 feet, are appropriate. ) (Typewriter comment blank) What do you dislike about Scenario 1? What are its weaknesses? SCENARIO 2 (Typewriter comment blank) (Typewriter comment blank) (Typewriter comment blank) (Typewriter comment Same as Scenario 1 as far as bicycles are concerned.) What do you like about Scenario 2? What are its strengths? (Typewriter comment Same as Scenario 1 as far as bicycles are concerned.) (Typewriter comment blank) What do you dislike about Scenario 2? What are its weaknesses? What is missing from either or both Scenarios? FINAL CORRIDOR REVIEW Please provide additional details about the needs on the following corridors. What are the most critical needs in the following corridors regardless of the scenario? Please specific! (i.e. Needs wide shoulder for bikes from X to Y. Needs sidewalk on east side of street from X to Y. Needs additional traffic through lane from X to Y. Etc.). (Typewriter comment blank) (Typewriter comment Congress.) (Typewriter comment Widen climbing lane from Patteson to Koontz. Put shared lane markings from Patteson to Oakland. Put shared lane markings and R4-11 signs from Riverview all the way down to and through Willey St. down High St. and out Dorsey Av. Between Riverview and College Av. perform a traffic flow study to examine the feasibility of making University Av. car free.) (Typewriter comment blank) (Typewriter comment University Av. doesn't go to Beechurst. Move center line northeast 2 feet from Mulberry to Laurel to make 15-foot climbing lane.) (Typewriter comment blank) (Typewriter comment blank) (Typewriter comment Widen climbing lane from Boyers to ) University Avenue from Boyers to Beechurst: Greenbag Road from US 119 to SR 7: Willey Street from downtown to Mileground: (Typewriter comment Widen climbing lane. Install Shared Lane Markings and R4-11 signs as recommended by 2009 MUTCD.) (Typewriter comment Widen climbing lane if possible. Install Shared Lane Markings and R4-11 signs as recommended by 2009 MUTCD.) (Typewriter comment blank) (Typewriter comment blank) (Typewriter comment blank) Stewart Street from downtown to SR 705: (Typewriter comment blank) (Typewriter comment Widen climbing lane. Install Shared Lane Markings and R4-11 signs as recommended by 2009 MUTCD.) (Typewriter comment blank) Stewartstown Road from SR 705 to US 119: (Typewriter comment From Willowdale to Mileground, make both shoulders driveable. Make them bike lanes.) SR 705 from Mon Blvd to Mileground (Typewriter comment From Patteson to Eighth St., make climbing shoulder a bike lane. Install Share the Road signs on descending side and on both sides of the road between Eighth and Foundry.) (Typewriter comment blank) Beechurst Ave (US 19) from Patteson to Foundry St (just south of Westover Bridge) (Typewriter comment Maintain newly paved shoulder and make it a bike lane.) (Typewriter comment blank) US 19 (Mon Blvd) from Osage to Patteson: (Typewriter comment Straighten, improve sight lines, widen climbing lane to 15-feet. Install separate multi-use path along West Run. Extend path beyond Easton HIll out to I-68 and install path parallel to I-68 to connect with Decker Creek Trail in Sabraton.) West Run Road from Van Voorhis to US 119 (Pt. Marion Rd): (Typewriter comment At a very minimum, widen climbing lane between the triangle in Westover and Dupont Rd. Install Shared Lane Markings and R4-11 signs as recommended by 2009 MUTCD.) (Typewriter comment blank) US 19 through Westover: (Typewriter comment blank) (Typewriter comment Widen climbing lanes. Install Shared Lane Markings and R4-11 signs as recommended by 2009 MUTCD. Explore separate bicycle path west of Van Voorhis Rd.) (Typewriter comment blank) (Typewriter comment blank) (Typewriter comment blank) Van Voorhis from Burroughs to West Run Road: Other corridors?