A bicycle plan is absolutely necessary.

Along with a comprehensive land use plan

and a building permit process

and countywide zoning

and a countywide sustainability plan

and a housing strategy



On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 9:08 AM, director <director@positivespin.org> wrote:
I wholeheartedly support development of a plan, and the plan to plan a plan.  At the moment Positive Spin is in the throes of moving to a new location, but I'll look at the Charleston Plan as my time permits.  We are in the process of revising Positive Spin's vision and mission statement to drop transit and carpooling from our scope so we can better focus on biking and walking.  This should allow us to cooperate more fully with the bike board and pedestrian board.  Our primary vision will still be reducing traffic and making Morgantown more livable and sustainable while sustaining the organization with bike recycling and advocacy activities.  It's my hope that a bicycle plan will help support non-governmental activities like Positive Spin's, so I have a vested (but honorable) interest in helping with the plan.

I'll try to respond to the bike plan with comments by next week.

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Frank Gmeindl <frank.gmeindl@comcast.net>
Date:  Thu, 19 Aug 2010 19:52:34 -0400

>Bicycle Board Members,
>From the very beginning of the Bicycle Board, some of us felt we need a comprehensive bicycle plan.  Our 2007 application for the LAB Bicycle Friendly Community award was our attempt to organize such a plan.  Subsequently, we have continued to view our initiatives in the 5E categories that I think helped us maintain a balanced on focused program.
>Bill Austin wants to create a Greater Morgantown Bicycle Plan.  The Charleston area MPO, Regional Intergovernmental Council, completed a walking and cycling study 2 years ago.  It can be found at
>I'm wondering what you think of it because we could use it as a model.
>Please keep this among ourselves because Dennis Strawn from Charleston sent this to me to help develop the presentation that we'll make to the statewide MPO conference in October with the understanding that I would not distribute it beyond the Morgantown BB.
>Please send me or to the BB your comments about the Charleston plan or about a Greater Morgantown Plan.  Ultimately, if we're going to develop a comprehensive bicycle plan, we'll have to have a plan for how to do that:P
>Frank Gmeindl
>Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles

Nick Hein   LCI# 1705
Director, Positive Spin
2567 Univ Ave  Ste 6000L
Morgantown, WV
ph 304-685-8954

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