Bicycle Board Members,

Thanks to Chip, Nick, Andrew Walker and gunnar for attending today's Education Committee meeting.

The desired outcome of the meeting was a plan of activities for the approximate $9,500 education grant money that has been unplanned.

Action Items:
  1. Frank will contact Aaron Shelton about making videos.
  2. Andrew will contact Ryan Flesher about making videos.
  3. Once we identify a videographer, Nick, in collaboration with the videographer will develop a proposal for a bicycling education video targeted at children under 12 years of age.
  4. Frank will determine price and delivery date for 1,000 copies of Street Smarts to be purchased and distributed to bike shops to provide with bike sales.

  1. We decided that children up to 12 years old and children 12-15.5 years old will be the target audiences of two videos.  The videos will adhere to the LAB Smart Cycling curricula.  The video for 12-15.5 year olds will feature the attractions of transportation cycling in Morgantown for young people.  As much as possible, the video for 12-15.5 year olds will feature local 12-15.5 year old cyclists who are already doing it right.  One of these videos could consume our whole currently unplanned budget.  Nick accepted the responsibility to manage the video for children up to 12 years old.  No one specifically took responsibility to manage the video for 12-15.5 year olds.  Videos that convey the messages we intend are already available but don't feature Morgantown.  We discussed reviewing these for ideas of features to include in our videos.
  2. We discussed videos that feature the pleasure and practicality of Morgantown commuting cycling featuring the Burkharts, the Shogrens and Butch Graber.
  3. If after scoping out the videos, the budget will support it, we will order 1,000 copies of Street Smarts for distribution through local bike shops as well as other venues whose customers will read them.