Hi all!
I recently sent the draft 2021 paving list to the ped board as tables within the email - probably didn't come out too well. For you, I present this excel file. Review at your leisure.
Also note a document produced by the planning department in 2018 before the bike/ped plan was released. Some interesting thoughts here.
Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.
Tomorrow I will be soaking up the sun and enjoying the warmest day in a while, looking at a couple places to incorporate bike/ped infrastructure. Here's my schedule, join me as you are able (and give me a heads up if you plan to!):
2pm - Cobun Ave, starting at South Walnut
3pm - Prairie Ave, starting at Wilson
4pm - Madigan Ave, starting at Barrickman
Since I've heard from a couple of you that you won't be able to join in-person tomorrow, I will facilitate an hour-long discussion where we identify what we see as the most pressing issues in Morgantown cycling, how we would like to see them improved, who we
think would best be suited to make the improvements happen, and any obstacles we might see that would prevent those improvements from happening.
As time allows, we'll also explore what we think are the best aspects of Morgantown cycling, how we recall they came to be, and what lessons we might learn from them to help us tackle our pressing issues.
Meeting is scheduled for 7pm - 8:15pm. We'll begin the facilitation promptly at 7:10pm, have a stretch break at 7:40, and then conclude at 8:15.
We'll use Teams again. Be on the lookout for a calendar invite.
See you tomorrow!
J. Drew Gatlin (he/his)
Staff Engineer
389 Spruce St., Rm.
Morgantown, WV 26505
Office: (304) 284-7411 [forwards to mobile when in the field]
Fax: (304) 284-7409

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