I'd like to jump in here with my two cents--
To my knowledge, the Cycling Basics class was not intended to be a WVU supported course. Was it not started by a grant secured by the Bike Board? If the WVU monies being used to support the course are being diverted to other Transportation and Parking Initiatives, I think it's quite generous of the group to renew the funding for the 2013-2014 academic year to allow the Bike Board time to find other avenues.
Secondly, we don't know what's going on with the parking room. Perhaps T&P has usage statistics that can shed light on this change. Perhaps some members should meet with Dr. Solomon and/or invite him to a meeting to introduce himself before we make judgments about his commitment to alternative transportation.

>>> Frank Gmeindl <fgmeindl@gmail.com> 8/2/2013 4:47 PM >>>
Sometimes you don't appreciate what you've got til its gone.

Last week, I learned that Clement Solomon is cutting funding for PE172 Cycling Basics after this school year.  Today, I went into Mountaineer Station and saw that the Bicycle Parking Room is now the Parking Maintenance Room.  Half of the  bike racks have been moved outside.  No lockers.  I can't tell what happened to the other half of the racks.  

Any ideas how we can get Clement Solomon on board with us?

Take paradise and put up a parking lot