Bicycle Board Members,

Please see below, Hugh's resignation from the Bicycle Board.  Hugh has made many great contributions including bike parking around WVU campus, Share the Road signs around campus, Mountaineer Station, bike parking around town, acting on the BB's behalf for the Mon Blvd. bicycle climbing lane, advocating for cyclists as a member of the MPO Citizens Advisory Committee, establishing bicycling education at WVU (we currently have 31 people enrolled for this semester's cycling classes) and as WVU Director of Transportation and Parking, advocating bicycling to both the University and the City.  I personally am very grateful for his contributions and am especially thankful that he will continue to support us.

I have e-mailed Traci info about the BB and asking if she wants to join us.


Begin forwarded message:

From: "Hugh Kierig" <>
Date: February 16, 2012 3:30:23 PM EST
To: "Frank Gmeindl" <>
Subject: Board Resignation

After four years of membership on the Morgantown Bicycle Board, it is time for me to step down.  I have appreciated my time with the Board and the various characters that comprise it.  I have also learned a great deal about the challenges and opportunities for biking in our community. 
I would suggest that Traci Liebig, Conservation Specialist for the WVU Recycling Services and a bicycling enthusiast be considered as my replacement.  Traci is a Morgantown resident and I believe would not only have some new insight into the advancement of bicycling in our region but also, because of her cycling experience offer a new WVU perspective.  I have talked with Traci about this possible appointment and she has expressed some interest. 
Please understand that this does not minimize the Department of Transportation and Parking's commitment to the development of bicycling as part of the overall transportation picture.  Please call on me should there be anything that I or the Department can do to further your interests.  Also, you are more than welcome to continue to store the bicycle publications and promotional materials at Mountaineer Station.
Hugh E. Kierig, AICP, Director
Department of Transportation and Parking
West Virginia University
Post Office Box 6561
1112 Van Voorhis
Morgantown, West Virginia 26506
304-293-9095 (o)
304-293-3939 (f)