Bicycle Board Members,

The message  below provides some links to good info about the status and outlook on recent bike/ped funding legislation.  

I'm glad I contacted our representatives.  At least Rahall voted for it.  I couldn't contact Capito and she voted against it.  I contacted McKinley but apparently he didn't vote.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Board <>
Date: February 3, 2012 9:22:07 PM EST
To: Bill Reger-Nash <>, Bob Anderson <>, George Lilley <>, Ilana Chertok <>, Jimmie Simmons <>, Martha Summers <>, Stan Cohen <>, Sarah Bias <>, Christiaan Abildso <>, Dwight Harshbarger <>, Maria Smith <>, Regina Mayolo <>, Jan Derry <>, David Small <>, Michael Graham <>, Tom Bias <>, Mary Gutmann <>, Margaret Stout <>, Angela Wiley <>, Jonathan Rosenbaum <>, Matt Cross <>, Hugh Kierig <>, Jim Rye <>, Ella Belling <>, Nick Hein <>, Kevin Leyden <>, Damien Davis <>, Roy Nutter <>, Mike Breiding <>, Bill Austin <>, Josh Woods <>, Frank Gmeindl <>, Claire Chantler <>, Michael Simms <>, Sera Janson Zegre <>
Subject: Fw: Amendment to Preserve Dedicated Funding for Walk/Bike Voted Down!
Reply-To: Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Board <>

Walk more, safely
Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Board
Christiaan Abildso, Chair
Bill Reger-Nash, Vice Chair

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "America Walks - Scott Bricker, Executive Director" <>
Sent: Friday, February 3, 2012 12:50 PM
Subject: Amendment to Preserve Dedicated Funding for Walk/Bike Voted Down!
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We're down, but not out!  Stay tuned for our follow-up strategy to save walking and biking.  
Dear Christiaan,   
Yesterday, the U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee voted down (27 to 29) an amendment to preserve dedicated funding for walking and biking in the proposed transportation bill. The bipartisan amendment was introduced by Representatives Petri (R-WI), Johnson (R-IL) and Lipinski (D-IL). Thank you to these Reps. and to the thousands of pedestrian and bicycling champions who contact their Representatives on the Committee.
As the House transportation bill moves through other Committees and eventually onto the House floor, and as the Senate continues to finalize their version of the bill, we still have much work to do.
So, lace up your walking shoes and hold onto your handlebars. We're in for a long fight.
Stay tuned for more updates about next steps.
Scott Bricker, Executive Director
America Walks
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