Bike Board Members,
Lisa Martis, with Project Management Services, is working with a developer to consider a multi-story development on the VFW property at 494 Spruce Street.  She contacted the Bike Board, through Frank Gmeindl last week, to get the Boards input on bicycle storage required by city code and the abundance of space that the developer currently has in their plans to consider other bicycle-related facilities (bicycle repair business, bike share, bicycle rental business, storage business, etc). 

Part 13 of the Morgantown City Code states: 
1349.08 Parking and Loading Standards 
(C) Bicycle Storage - For all Developments of Significant Impact and Major Developments of Significant Impact in this district, the following minimum bicycle storage amenities must be provided:
    (1) One (1) indoor, secured, sheltered bicycle storage space per dwelling unit
    (2) Each space shall be a minimum of 3 feet X 6 feet X 4 feet
    (3) Each bicycle shall be individually secured with a lock to a permanent structure
    (4) There should be sufficient space for easy access to each bicycle

Jonathan Rosenbaum and I provided some comments to her, so she met with me today and will meet with Jonathan soon, but would like to meet with the whole Bike Board.  She would like to meet with the Bike Board, hopefully as a whole, next week, to get our input and guidance on the bike storage and facility that could be placed at the new development.  She will also show us the plans that have been drawn. 

Can we please place her on the April 3 Bike Board meeting agenda, preferably earlier in the meeting to save her time?  Could those of you who have worked on bicycle parking and have expertise in this area prepare to bring your materials to the April 3rd meeting in case it would be valuable to provide the her and/or the developer?


Let deeds, not words, be your adorning.  -'Abdu'l-Baha

“Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair for the future of the human race.”  -H.G. Wells