Bicycle Board Members,

I would like your concurrence to propose the attached resolution to the Traffic Commission and the City Council.  

To review, comment and revise the resolution please work on the file, "LightsDetectBIkes" in Dropbox at .

As you know, WVDOH has decided that the new traffic light on 705 at the WVU multi-modal transportation facility will not be activated by bicycles.  This means that if you ride your bicycle out of the facility, you will have to wait until a motor vehicle comes to trigger the light or run it.  

One purpose of the resolution is to get the traffic signals to treat bicycles as any other vehicle.  Another purpose is to get recognition that bicycles are valid means of transportation, that bicyclists are equals to motorists, and to remove barriers to bicycling.

Since WVDOH is already installing equipment for traffic lights in the 705 corridor, this resolution may be too late.  I'm hoping that they might get wind of its coming and maybe give some more consideration to their decision to discriminate against bicyclists at the Mountaineer Station.