Hi BB,
WVU Events likes our idea and is happy to have us there. The speaker does not have a bus or anything, so the area in front of the Met should be clear if Damien wants to ask for that space for bike valet parking.
The press release is slated to go out on March 13th, so we need to have our details firmed up by then to get them included. They are willing to give us a small table in the foyer as well to promote what we want to promote (I would suggest Bike Month type stuff and/or the GIS map that shows road ratings).
Once we have details, I can vet a little write up through the BB and then get it to University News. So--- the next step would be for me to ask my facilities group if we can borrow the comb racks we have. Is that what you want me to do or do you want to talk to this person with the contraption? We will also need a volunteer to babysit the bikes because WVU will not what to be liable for any potential theft.
Our final task should be personally encouraging folks to ride their bikes to the screening so we don't have a bunch of empty racks in the street!
Traci Liebig
Conservation Specialist
Facilities Management
West Virginia University
P.O. Box 6570
Morgantown, WV 26506
Think before you print. Thanks!