The merging is already under way for some of the NACTO at least in the MUTCD.  Here is a good link to look at:


On 5/5/2011 7:50 AM, Strawn, Dennis A wrote:


I applaud your credentials and understand your position well.  I appreciate your voice and concerns.  I also appreciate you copying your bike board so they at least know there are other thoughts and processes other than AASHTO out there. 


I do hope that in time AASHTO, MUTCD and NACTO can merge their recommendations so we don't have these competing thoughts on safety and infrastructure. 


At the end of the day, I just want to get on my bike and ride, anywhere and anytime.  Every day is getting better and to encourage that I will identify, learn and then spread all information that helps to make it so.


At this point I think it is safe to say you and I have differences of opinions on this.  And like I said I value yours.  But let's get back to helping our communities increase access and safety for walking and bicycling. You and I could keep this thread going for  a while but that would have no point. 


So keep up the great work and one day I hope all of our successes eventually join together somewhere around Orma.          





From: Frank Gmeindl []
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 3:28 PM
To: Strawn, Dennis A
Cc: Kimberly Jo Coram; John Francis; Bicycle Board
Subject: Re: NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide




You're welcome.  I have learned that the key to cyclist safety in traffic is visibility and predictability.  Any facility that makes cyclists less visible to motorists and leads a cyclist to execute movements that motorists don't expect must be questioned.  


I am a scientist and engineer and I'm all for experimentation, data collection, analysis, pilot testing, rational implementation and continuous improvement.  When I see results that prove that these forward thinking concepts increase bicycle safety as well as bicycle use, I will support them.  Implementing unproven concepts when cyclists' lives are at stake is irresponsible.



Frank D. Gmeindl
Chairman, Morgantown Municipal Bicycle Board
LCI #1703
491 WilsonAvenue
Morgantown, WV 26501
Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles


On May 4, 2011, at 2:36 PM, Strawn, Dennis A wrote:


Thanks for this insight.  I too rely on AASHTO greatly, as does the city.  But I love the forward thinking of the NACTO guide.  Now we have more choices to better fit our individual situations.     



From: Frank Gmeindl [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 2:27 PM
To: Kimberly Jo Coram
Cc: Strawn, Dennis A; John Francis; Bicycle Board
Subject: Re: NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide


Morgantown as well as the Morgantown Monongalia MPO adopted Complete Streets policies a couple years ago.


I question the competence of NACTO.  Certainly the cities they represent have installed attention-getting bicycle facilities but the safety and sustainability of those facilities remain to be assessed or proven.


I'll stick with the AASHTO Guide for the Planning, Design and Operation of Bicycle Facilities, .   It's not great but at least it's withstood some test of time being around since at least 1999 and now revised with input of real traffic engineers.



Frank D. Gmeindl
Chairman, Morgantown Municipal Bicycle Board
LCI #1703
491 WilsonAvenue
Morgantown, WV 26501
Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles


On May 4, 2011, at 2:16 PM, Kimberly Jo Coram wrote:

AND I cannot believe I forgot this:  we are asking all communities we
are giving grant funds to to adopt complete streets policies!  I think
we have 2 cities on board for sure!  How cool is that!  The CDC grant
covers 6 counties so the potential to get complete streets adopted
over the entire region very promising!

On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 2:13 PM, Strawn, Dennis A
<> wrote:

You go girl.  Great news.




-----Original Message-----

From: Kimberly Jo Coram []

Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 2:12 PM

To: Strawn, Dennis A

Cc: Frank Gmeindl; John C Francis

Subject: Re: FW: NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide


Thanks Dennis!

Yes, they announced it at the bike summit and I sent it instantly to

our transportation planners.  Thanks for sharing this!  Too much going

on here to list.  I am meeting with the CDC tomorrow to go over the

progress of our alternative transportation system across 6 counties.

Our grant for signage for our first cross town bikeway has been

approved and we are forming the five E committees at the Mayor's bike

board to focus on the roll out.  Our first cyclovia is tentatively

scheduled for September.  Great stuff for sure!


On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 1:51 PM, Strawn, Dennis A

I have been talking to this guy a little about using the design guide for

our improvements in town and thought you guys might like to see it too. ( If

you haven't already seen it).  Feel free to contact him directly, he's easy

to work with.  I am putting this document in front of as many dept heads as

I can.




Kim- I think you first heard about this at the national bike summit.




Two updates from here - the city is on the Kanawha Trestle and a line item

has been created in the city budget titled "Rail Trail".  South Charleston

starts their ped/bike study next week.




Stay safe and keep up the good work.






Dennis Strawn


Application Developer II






"New ideas pass through three periods: 1) It can't be done. 2) It probably

can be done, but it's not worth doing. 3) I knew it was a good idea all

along!"  (Arthur C. Clarke's dictum on intellectual progress)








My name is David Vega-Barachowitz and I am a fellow at the National

Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO). Last month, as part of

its Cities for Cycling campaign, NACTO officially released its Urban Bikeway

is an interactive, online tool which provides technical guidance on the

most-up-to-date and innovative bicycle facilities in the United States. (A

print and PDF companion to the guide will be released late summer/early fall



Following the guide's initial release, I have been leading the promotional

effort for the guide and reaching out to advocacy groups that specialize in

bicycling and walking issues at both the state, city, and local level. NACTO

believes that the guide is an important tool that can help with the

implementation of Complete Streets policies, and, as a reference, builds on

the best practices in the USA and internationally.


I am trying to get more information about how West Virginia might go about

adopting, using, and implementing this resource-whether the process is

partly legislative, administrative, an internal policy, or otherwise.


You can reach me at (212) 839-6421.


Thanks for your help!


Best regards,




David Vega-Barachowitz


National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO)



(212) 839-6421





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Kimberly Jo Coram


Kimberly Jo Coram



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