Begin forwarded message:

From: Kasey Russell <>
Subject: 2016 WV Bike Summit
Date: January 6, 2016 2:52:52 PM EST
To: undisclosed-recipients

WV Connecting Communities Supporters: The event that we have been planning and discussing since July is HAPPENING soon!!! We are so excited about the speakers that are traveling to Charleston on January 24th from all over the country. 

The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy is speaking at lunch! This is cool people!! Our State Highway Engineer is also speaking. These men are in charge of transportation policy at the federal level and highway/road engineering here in WV. What a great opportunity to hear their perspectives on cycling and walking in our country and to show them that people do care very much about safely being able to walk or bike in our communities. 

Please register for the Summit (Jan. 24 and 25 at the Charleston Marriott) today by visiting Look for the Register Now button. You will have to hit an additional Register Now button but you can do it!!  Early registration ends on Jan. 13th. If you need to pay by check or cash, send me an email. 

I've attached the latest and greatest program. Please forward my email to all your colleagues and friends that may be interested in health, community development, tourism, cycling infrastructure, or just plain ole like bicycles. 

Let me know if you would like to help out at the Summit. Feel free to call or email if you have ideas/thoughts or are just as excited as I am. 


Kasey Russell
WV Connecting Communities, Executive Director