Yes, when we present to the new council, I think we should try to tie everything we talk about back to goals 4, 5, and 6.
I volunteer to consolidate group thoughts into a visual presentation if that's the route we're going. 
Are we planning to attend the July 2nd or August 6th meeting?

>>> Frank Gmeindl <> 5/8/2013 6:58 PM >>>
Attached are Jeff Mikorski's goals for his first 6 months as City Manager.  He has certainly been supportive of the BB.  I expect the new City Council should be supportive as well.  However, we don't seem to be on their radar screens.  Certainly by July when the new Council takes office, we should have a plan for getting Jeff and them behind us.  I can imagine that crafting such a plan could also rejuvenate the BB. 

BTW, did anybody watch yesterday's webinar: "The Bottom Line: How bicycle and pedestrian projects offer economic benefits to communities"?  I kept getting a Citrix error when I tried to log in and missed it.  Presenting to Jeff and City Council how bicycling could benefit our local economy could include a strategy for achieving Jeff's goal 4, Encourage Economic Development.  Also, I've seen claims that cities with substantial bicycling and walking are safer than motor centric cities.  Gathering those studies and presenting them to Jeff and Council could them a strategy for achieving Jeff's goal 5 and maybe even shift his and Council's safety paradigm.

