Friends -
Sorry for cross-postings but would like to share a request from a friend in the School of Public Health, Adam Baus. He is tackling the Race Across Oregon in July - 48-hours, 522 miles - to raise money for Health Right to help provide dental care for our low-income individuals.

Below, in Adam’s words, is how come he’s chosen to undertake this challenge. 

The Race Across Oregon is an opportunity for me to challenge myself, to connect with myself on some deeper level, and ideally grow in the process. However, I decided to make this Race about our community as well by raising money to help Milan Puskar Health Right provide dental care to low-income uninsured adults in North Central WV. Health Right has been providing vital medical care for 32 years. Just last year, budget cuts occurred making it more difficult to provide patients with the care they need, especially dental care.
All funds raised go directly to Milan Puskar Health Right to provide dental care, oral health education and dental care supplies for low-income residents in our community. Please join in the Miles for Smiles Race Across Oregon to raise funds for adult dental care.

Miles for Smiles 

"When the spirits are low, when the day appears dark, when work becomes monotonous, when hope hardly seems worth having, just mount a bicycle and go out for a spin down the road, without thought on anything but the ride you are taking.” -Sir Arthur Conan Doyle